Why You Should Ask Questions Like A 2-Year Old
December 22, 2014
by James O. Pyle and Maryann Karinch
Interviewing candidates centers on a conversation — a give and take. Your ability to question well supports the organization, competence, and rapport building skills that you bring to that conversation. There are some specific ways to sharpen that ability.
To get an overview of the process, consider this mnemonic device, which reinforces the critical elements of good questioning
2 + 6 over F x 4 = Good Questioning
The parts mean this:
- Question with the curiosity of a two-year-old
- Use the six interrogatives: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How
- Lay that on top of follow-up
- Make sure to cover all four of the discovery areas: people, places, things, and events in time